Linux - 'We roll our own'

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Since before eMetaStar, LLC was incorporated in 2001, we embraced Linux and been using it ever since.  Along with Linux, we discovered the Hacker Cult Community actively participating in it.  Hackers constantly abuse Linux and make it stronger than other operating systems.

We attended the last Hacker Meetup in Atlanta pre-9/11.  The Hackers (should be Crackers) went underground because of the increased presence of the NSA, post 9-11.  At the meetup, we were introduced to Linux internet security tools such as Snort, ACID, OinkMaster, Crack, John the Ripper, Tiny Honeypot, Autopsy and SleuthKit.  All nicely placed on a Linux CD called STD.  Security Tools Distribution....  The grand finale was 'Laughing Boy' demonstrating a buffer overflow gaining complete control of the server.  And, a member of the 'Cult of Sacred Cow' announcing Microsoft had 24 hours to find a vulnerability in Windows.

Hacking had come far from JoyBubbles and Captain Crunch phreaking pay phones.  JoyBubbles had perfect pitch and could hit 2600 MHZ, same sound as coins going into a pay phone.  Hence, a free call!  Now, a magazine and Group called 2600 meet at Shopping Mall Food Courts all over the US. Watch your Smart Phone when they meet..

The necessity for Linux internet security came from our development of WrapDB.  Developed in Oracle, a Wound Tracking System used by Wound Consultants visiting homes.  Oracle worked well with Linux and again we 'rolled our own' along with hardened security for confidential patient information.  Our Enterprise class database and application server worked well with our wireless network too.  Exciting in it's time!!  In Linux, very hard to configure :)

Linux and internet security has remained timeless.  We were trained at the Red Hat Headquarters for enterprise systems administration and handling disasters.  Vital learning preparing us for our our speciality. Content management systems and internet marketing rely heavily on Linux systems administration.  Little cost, we now host on inexpensive Virtual Private Servers (VPS) that has excellent bandwidth and uptime.  We can optimize for speed and customize our server for ultimate search engine positioning.  For example, occasionally We have Open Source (free, as in beer) software that bleeds memory.  We resolve these problems rather than trying to get Support tracking issues on shared servers.  Also, shared servers...  If someone has spammed email or hacked the server from another web site, your going down.   Spamming servers have their ip addresses blocked.

The new generation of Linux Systems Administrators we meet today use GUI's.  GUI's are the same as what you use in Windows.  Were old school...  A simple command line with a headless server (no monitor).